There are many signs of abuse in a nursing home. Symptoms include unexplained injuries, hair loss, and joint dislocations. Physical restraint may also be a sign. Sudden changes in behavior and feelings of guilt may indicate emotional abuse. If you notice these signs, seek medical attention immediately. For legal help with personal injury issues regarding nursing home abuse, visit dozierlaw.com.
Physical abuse is visible on the body. The elderly may have bruising or fractures, especially if they have a fall. Falls can break the hip and can be fatal for an older person. If you notice that a loved one is withdrawing emotionally or physically from activities, take them to the emergency room. If they do not respond to treatment, report it right away. If you see any of these signs, call the police.
The signs of emotional abuse are harder to detect. They can manifest themselves in physical or mental withdrawal and a lack of openness. Although nursing home staff members rarely do it openly, they may display some unusual behaviors. The best way to catch any of these behaviors is by making an effort to notice unusual behaviors by nursing home staff. Avoid visits on the same day every week. It’s not enough to look for obvious physical injuries; you also need to watch out for behavioral changes that are not normal.
Some signs of physical abuse include aggressive behavior and demeaning behavior from caretakers. In addition, the residents may not receive the basic necessities they need. Some facilities will be billed for services that aren’t necessary. This is also a sign of financial exploitation. Some nursing homes will not provide the basic needs that the elderly need and want. Another sign of physical abuse is when the resident doesn’t receive proper medications.
The physical signs of abuse are obvious: bruises and blood-colored skin. A nurse in a nursing home may not properly watch the elderly resident’s vital signs. During these times, he or she may not be able to notice these warning signs, so he or she should be monitoring the behavior of the nursing staff. However, if there are bruises, it may be a sign of physical abuse.
There are many signs of abuse in a nursing home. The physical signs of abuse may include bruises on the body. A bruise caused by an indolent caregiver is a sign of physical abuse. Moreover, emotional signs may include depression and heightened alertness. If you suspect that a resident is being abused, it is vital to speak up to protect the victim. While some of these things may seem subtle, these physical signs are not always easy to conceal.